Wednesday, October 14, 2009

So Every Week With the Produce

We get an email letting us know whats been happening at the farm. There's usually a recipe or two that includes something that is in the box. This week, we got kind of a "good-bye for the season" from the farmer who wrote the newsletter this week. If you think eating a box of incredibly fresh vegetables every week will make you feel good, wait til you hear this. Rusty Lee says, "We hope you have enjoyed eating your food as much as we have enjoyed growing it. Your participation is having a substantial effect in making our family farm viable. To raise our children on the farm, being together as a family, teaching the rewards of hard work in concert with managing the challenges of life is a wonderful experience. One that we are grateful to you for helping make happen." Sound like some lucky kids to me! Anyhoo, here's whats in the box this week.

 Turnips
 Lettuce
 Kennebec White Potatoes
 Candy Yellow Onion
 Bell Pepper
 Butternut Winter Squash
 Italian Pepper
 Radish
 Swiss Chard
 Yellow Summer Squash
 Sweet Potatoes

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