Anyway the forward of the Food Revolution book is pretty cool. The British version of the book is called Ministry of Food and refers back to World War II, when food was rationed and people were planting Victory Gardens. Britain established a Ministry of Food and sent women across the country to teach people about nutrition and to show them how to properly use their food rations. These women helped to keep the country healthy during lean times. I like that for the Americanized version of the book they changed the name to Food Revolution. A) We (collectively) have no point of reference of the Ministry of Food and B) We Americans identify with being revolutionary. So I think the name is brilliant.
I really felt like making a curry and I found a recipe that sounded good and for which I had all the necessary ingredients.
Aloo Gohbi (adapted from Jamie's recipe)
1 onion
3 chiles
a knob of ginger
2 cloves of garlic
a head of cauliflower
4 medium potatoes
olive oil
1 tablespoon brown mustard seeds
1 teaspoon turmeric
1 teaspoon cumin
salt & pepper
1 lemon cut into wedges
Throw into an ovenproof pan over medium high heat that has been melting the butter/heating the oil. Break down cauliflower into florets and peel/dice potatoes. (If you aren't fast, you might want to do this before you put the onions and stuff in the pot.) Add the spice and a little bit of salt and pepper. Cook for another minute or so.
Sorry for the dark pics. I made this super late one night.