Monday, September 21, 2009

Why "Buttermilk Grosses Me Out"?

Mostly because it does. I mean, I have always found chunky milk to be repulsive, but I remember the day that I stopped buying buttermilk. I had purchased a rather large quantity because there was no small option at the grocery store. And I made the biscuits (or whatever it was that I bought it to make) and the buttermilk sat in the fridge for a week. So I say to The Captain (my boyfriend) "hey, how do you know when buttermilk goes bad?" And he says, "I have no idea." So I googled it. Ugh. Gross.

So buttermilk is milk that is already soured. And everyone was like "Oh it lasts forever. It's already gone sour. Just shake it up til the chunks get small enough and you can use it til its gone." Well, I'm not hip to dairy products that are already bad or that last forever. So I no longer buy buttermilk. If A recipe calls for it, I sour a cup of whole milk myself with the juice of half a lemon. Cause lemons DON'T gross me out.


  1. (smiles)

    Best not eat sour cream, then. Because sour cream is ...cream that's been left to go sour.

    If it doesn't get mold in it from something else contaminating it, it will continue to sour, slowly, until it's too sour for your particular taste. I'll eat it when it's pretty bloody sour, myself, because I frequently cook with it, and very sour sour-cream is fine for that, and goes well with spicy sausages as a side.


  2. That's funny, cause I don't eat sour cream either. I'm kind of a picky eater. I get it in my brain that something is gross, and I just avoid it altogether.
